Monday, February 7, 2011

February 7.....time for a blonde moment

Here the last week and half I have been cursing the entity of the American Government known as the IRS. I did my taxes, submitted them online and every time I checked for a "status" got a no information type page instead. I was about to cheerfully strangle someone, debating between them or the company I used when, after asking "should I call them?" I looked again and realized.....I'm entering the wrong info! I was putting in the info they asked for except the the last spot I would have sworn in court said how much did you make. I entered that amount.....and then when I looked one last time before losing all my patience with them realized it said REFUND amount. No wonder the IRS computer couldnt confirm my information, I wasnt entering it correctly.

So once I took a deep breath, rolled my eyes going "ok I can't believe I was that dense", I put in the RIGHT info and guess what? The computer found me!! They got my taxes, working on it and should have my refund in about a week. I know how I made the mistake. In Utah we have state taxes and if you are getting a refund from them you can check using EITHER your refund amount or your income amount. Given I could remember income.....yeah it carried over. I probably would have known a week ago when it was coming if I had paid more attention.

I know taxes are something people don't like, and I'm one of them, but with this refund I am getting major dental work done. My teeth implode and so my dentist will pull whats left of my upper teeth and give me....well an upper set of dentures. I hate dentists with a passion, so for me to actually be looking forward to this is a miracle in itself. I'm contemplating calling him today and making the appointment. It may be easier to call and reschedule if the refund is a bit delayed over trying to get in on the date I want.

Thats about it for today. I guess the "storm" moving in has me hurting and its affecting my head so I can't think fully.

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